Croeso! Welcome to The Dirt!
Our brand spanking new website recently launched and DLS HQ is buzzing with excitement! As most agencies will tell you, internal projects take a little longer than anticipated as our clients’ work always takes priority. There’s been plenty of late nights, a few of tears shed but a load of laughs getting the new Dirty Little Serifs website and new blog section ‘THE DIRT’ live!
Loads has happened since our previous website launched. We have matured, gained our awesome first employee Sam along the way, and entered into Year 4 of the business. We’ve added brilliant companies to our ever growing client roster (including a few international) and strengthened our portfolio of work, which includes fab new case studies that will tickle your taste buds, such as; Sledgers, Mojo The Foodbar, Hide and Sea and The Cafe at Ridgeway. Business has also taken us on some amazing adventures. Through our clients’ projects we’ve had the privilege of visiting places like; Paris, Warsaw and Guatemala. You can check out our Instagram feed for pictures of those adventures!
But most importantly, whether it’s been our clients or suppliers we’ve met some fantastic and innovative people along the ride.
So, sit back, relax and have a browser through the Dirty Crew’s online home. We’ve also added a few out-takes from our team photoshoot for you to have a laugh at.
Welcome to THE DIRT!
Love from the #DirtyCrew